Welcome to Dungeons & Disciples

Josh Shaw 0:19
Dungeons and Dragons. It is one of the most popular tabletop RPGs in the world. People come together, create characters, and hop into a world where anything seems possible, what drives this kind of gameplay, the battles that are fought, and the stories that are told. We are here to introduce you to something even bigger. The Bible tells us in Revelation chapter 12, verse 11, and they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, just like in D&D, the Bible also has a journey for us to explore battles to fight, and stories to proclaim to the world. Hi, my name is Joshua Shaw.

Tony Benda 1:01
And I'm Tony Benda. Through this podcast, our mission is to show this community of D&D players the true love of Jesus and provide Christ-led content that brings together the presence of the Holy Spirit, and tabletop gaming, delivering the gospel of Christ to a community of creative and passionate people. Our vision is simple. Show fellow players how our God-given identity is found in Jesus, teaching, develop fun and Spirit lead gameplay, and build a Christ-centered role-playing community. We don't exist to justify or advocate why D&D is holy, but desire to show how through our vast experience playing this game, Christ can be glorified and teach us a lot about who we are, and how we are called to live on mission for His Kingdom.

Josh & Tony 1:43
Welcome to Dungeons and Disciples.

Welcome to Dungeons & Disciples
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